Testing Scenario 2: Unstable VT → VF → PEA → PCAC

ACLS Provider Course

ACLS Provider Course: Testing Scenario 2: Unstable VT > VF > PEA > PCAC

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MM slash DD slash YYYY

Testing Scenario 2 : Unstable VT → VF → PEA → PCAC

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Lead in scenario:

A 40-year-old man arrives at the ER accompanied by his family. He is complaining of palpitations and chest discomfort after working outside for several hours. What is your initial assessment?

Team Actions

Performs initial impression*
Teamwork and Communication*
Performs primary assessment (ABCDE)*
Provides supplemental O2 by non-rebreather mask*
Recognizes unstable VT*
Obtain IV access and blood sample and consider sedation*
Provides synchronized cardioversion with the correct energy*
Recognizes Ventricular Fibrillation*
Assess for responsiveness, breathing and pulse*
Initiates high-quality CPR while charging defibrillator*
Defibrillates at appropriate energy (1st dose)*
Immediately resumes chest compressions*
Defibrillates at appropriate energy (2nd dose)*
Administers correct dose of epinephrine*
Considers advanced airway and capnography*
Prepares 300 mg amiodarone*
Identifies and treats Hs and Ts*
Recognizes PEA*
Immediately resumes chest compressions (High Quality CPR)*
Administers correct dose of epinephrine*
Continue to discuss the Hs and Ts*
Recognizes ROSC*
Reassess patient: ABC*
Consider Advance airway with capnography*
Maintain SPO2 of 94% above*
Manages Hemodynamics*
Consider Targeted Temperature management*
Verbalize the need for CT scan, ECG, laboratory*
Seek expert consultation and transfer the patient*

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