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Testing Scenario 6: Stable Tachycardia (SVT) → VF → PEA → PCAC
ACLS Provider Course
ACLS Provider Course: Testing Scenario 6: Stable Tachycardia (SVT) > VF > PEA > PCAC
" indicates required fields
Participant Name:
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Testing Scenario 6: Stable Tachycardia (SVT) → VF → PEA → PCAC
Team leader:
AED/defibrillator operator:
Medication administrator:
Course Date
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Lead in scenario:
You are evaluating a 48 years old man in the ER, who is complaining of chest palpitations with flushed skin after moving furniture at home. What are your initial actions?
Team Actions
Performs initial impression
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Teamwork and Communication
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Performs primary assessment (ABCDE)
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Provides supplemental O2 by non-rebreather mask
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Recognizes stable SVT
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Obtain IV access and blood sample
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Performs vagal maneuver
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Administers correct dose of adenosine (1st, 2nd dose)
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Recognizes Ventricular Fibrillation
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Assess for responsiveness, breathing and pulse
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Initiates high-quality CPR while charging defibrillator
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Defibrillates at appropriate energy (1st dose)
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Immediately resumes chest compressions
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Defibrillates at appropriate energy (2nd dose)
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Administers correct dose of epinephrine
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Considers advanced airway and capnography
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Prepares 300 mg amiodarone
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Identifies and treats Hs and Ts
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Recognizes PEA
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Immediately resumes chest compressions (High-Quality CPR)
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Administers correct dose of epinephrine
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Continue to discuss and treat reversible causes
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Recognizes ROSC
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Reassess patient: ABC
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Continue to discuss and treat reversible causes
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Maintain SPO2 of 94% above
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Manages Hemodynamics
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Consider Targeted Temperature management
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Verbalize the need for CT scan, ECG, laboratory
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Seek expert consultation and transfer the patient
Check if done correctly
Not Done Correctly
Evaluator Name
Evaluator ID#
Need Remediation
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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