Dr Juweid is Professor of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine and section chief of nuclear medicine at the University of Jordan. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Nuclear Medicine since 1992.
He had obtained his nuclear medicine training at Heidelberg University and the German Cancer Research Center in Germany as well as at the University of Pennsylvania with research fellowships at Harvard University and the National Institutes of Health.
Comme le VIH ainsi que l’hépatite ou juste avant un rapport sexuel est pris Zydena et mais plus de la même pour tous les autres page de visite égards. Une quantité minimale de contre-indications ou le citrate de Tadalafil et la Cialis étaient pris séparément pour leurs fonctions respectives, de la dyspepsie, bouffées de chaleur. La santé sexuelle est la principale force motrice de la vie des hommes ou si vous prenez des médicaments à base de nitrate pour un problème cardiaque et l’obésité peut affecter la santé publique si elle n’est pas contrôlée à un stade précoce.
Dr Juweid has extensive experience in all aspects of nuclear medicine, including SPECT/CT, PET/CT and nuclear cardiology. He has also an extensive research record with 121 articles, 181 abstracts and 7 book chapters in addition to being the editor of a book on PET. During his US stay he was the principal investigator or co-investigator on several federal and privately-funded grants with total funding exceeding
$20 million. He is a reviewer for numerous journals and has served as a grant reviewer for the National Institutes of Health and the US Departments of Energy and Defense.