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Electrical Therapy Competency Checklist: - ACLS provider course
" indicates required fields
Participant Name:
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Attach the cardiac monitor by applying 3 or 5 leads ECG
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Not Done Correctly
Turn on the monitor and Identify the rhythm correctly.
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Not Done Correctly
States the indications for synchronized cardioversion.
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Not Done Correctly
Ensures that the “SYNC” button is activated and the indicators are on the QRS complex.
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Not Done Correctly
Select the appropriate cardioversion energy level by the manufacturer’s recommendation.
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Not DonaNot Done Correctlye
Apply the pads or paddles properly.
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Not Done Correctly
Press the charge button.
Check it if Completed correctly
Not Done Correctly
Says “CLEAR” and visually checks the other rescuers are clear of patients.
Check it if Completed correctly
Not Done Correctly
Ensures that Oxygen is away from the patient.
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Not Done Correctly
Delivers cardioversion by holding down the shock button until the defibrillator discharges.
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Not Done Correctly
Reassess and properly identify the rhythm on the monitor
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Not Done Correctly
Repeat steps and increase the energy dose in a stepwise fashion if the rhythm does not convert
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Not Done Correctly
Recognizes the rhythm on the monitor (PVT or VF )
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Not Done Correctly
Assess the patient to confirm the absence of spontaneous pulse.
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Not Done Correctly
Select the appropriate defibrillation energy level by using the manufacturer's recommended energy dose for the initial dose
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Not Done Correctly
Properly apply pads or paddles.
Check it if Completed correctly
Not Done Correctly
Charges defibrillator.: Says “CLEAR” and visually checks that other rescuers are clear of the patient. Ensures that oxygen is away from the patient Delivers defibrillation shock
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Not Done Correctly
Percutaneous Pacemaker
Recognizes bradycardia on the monitor and states that the patient is unstable.
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Not Done Correctly
Connect the pacing pads to the patient
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Not Done Correctly
Set the pacemaker rate (the pacemaker may have a default setting (e.g., 80 bpm) that can be adjusted as needed).
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Not Done Correctly
Select demand or non-demand pacing mode (if available)
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Not Done Correctly
Set current at a minimum if not automatically done by pacemaker
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Not Done Correctly
Activate the pacemaker and adjust current upward until electrical and mechanical capture are identified
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Not Done Correctly
Evaluator Name
Evaluator ID#
Need Remediation
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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