Professor of Medicine and Radiology in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine and Associate Director of Cardiology Fellowship Program at Augusta University-Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA.
He graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medicine with Distinction from the American University of Beirut and was the recipient of the Penrose and Alpha Omega Alpha awards. He subsequently received the degree Master of Science in Physiology from AUBMC, then completed three years of residency training in Internal Medicine at Duke University Medical Center, followed by one year of fellowship in Cardiac MRI at Duke University as well, and then three years of fellowship in Cardiovascular Disease at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He was then appointed as Staff in Cardiovascular Imaging at the Cleveland Clinic and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University. He then moved back to Lebanon and joined AUBMC and was the cardiology fellowship program director then joined Clemenceau Medical Center as Director of Cardiovascular Imaging and Assistant Director for Medical Affairs. He completed an executive MBA and then moved back to the United States and joined Augusta University in January 2021.
He is certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Disease, Echocardiography, Nuclear Cardiology, Cardiac CT and MRI. He is the recipient of the Alpha Omega Alpha and American College of Physician Research Awards, and Distinguished Teaching Award. He is on the editorial board of the Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, and serves on several international committees with ASNC. He has published more than 120 papers in peer reviewed journals. He is a fellow of the American College of Cardiology, American Society of Nuclear Cardiology, American Society of Echocardiography, and Society of Cardiac CT.
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